Welcome to Pleasant Valley Elementary School PTA Website!
This is Pleasant Valley's first year using Membership Toolkit, take some time to look around. This online platform will be home to our directory, and you can also use it to easily join the PTA and grab some cool Spirit Wear. Plus, it's where you'll find flyers and can sign up to help out as a volunteer.
Please use the email you have on file with the district.
If you have any problems, questions or concerns please contact us!
Become a member today!
You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.
YEarbook link is now live.
Click "PLEASANT VALLEY YEARBOOK 2024-2025" To place your order today!
Reading is Magic! Read-A-Thon starts Thursday, January 16th and runs until Sunday, February 2nd. All students are encouraged to read by themselves or be read to by an adult or an older sibling. It is both a great way to encourage student reading as well as PV's premier Fundraiser. All proceeds will go to classroom parties, assemblies, and PTA sponsored activities throughout the year. as well as other classroom resources for our students. PV will receive 100% of the sponsorship money. Click the links below for more information, reading logs, tickets for raffles, and digital donation.
Read-A-Thon Information Packet
Read-A-Thon Tickets for Raffles
General PTA Meeting
Our next PTA Membership Meeting is Wednesday, February 5th, at 9:30 a.m. Come and learn about PV updates, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, and hear from our Guest Speaker.